Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kuih Bangkit!

I couldn't believe what I saw at the Chinese grocery store today! It was Kuih Bangkit ! Kuih Bangkits are usually eaten during Chinese new year in Malaysia and probably Singapore as well. "Kuih" means cake in Malay. So, judging from its name, it is not likely to originate from China, even though it is one of the Chinese new year cookies. It is probably Nyonya. (Nyonya is a mixed culture from the inter-marriage of Chinese immigrants and local Malays. These immigrants were followers of a Chinese princess who is married to the Malay Sultan in the 15th century.) The translation on the packet says "coconut cookies"; I guess it has coconut in it. ;p  It is imported from Malaysia and made by a famous company called "Ping Pong". Cute name, isn't it? The company makes great cookies and crackers.

Kuih Bangkit and a cup of coffee made a great Sunday afternoon. :)

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