Saturday, August 28, 2010

Eats and Draws

After a long day (I mean a long week), I had a friend over for mooncake and tea. As usual, I ate more than I intended to. As though I wasn't overeating enough, instead of a jog, I decided to go out for Indian food later in the evening.

I used to think that there's nothing better than Mamak stalls in terms of Indian food. Whilst Mamak is still the best in the world, Tandoor of India is gradually growing on me. I have heard about the jazz music at Tandoor on Friday nights for a long time. Tonight, I got to experience it. I quite recommend it! :)  While you are sweating from the spices in your dish, you can also enjoy what I call "new age jazz" by a musician who plays flute, bongo and something that looks like a cajon with recorded music as a background. This is accompanied by a charming lady dancing in Arabian costume. Very interesting indeed. The music is actually really good and soothing. I enjoyed their performance. And not to mention, the food was fantastic. I ordered a 7.5 spice level (I threw in a zero-point-five to be funny ;p and it's out of a scale of 1 to 10) and it was just spicy enough for a slight tingling sensation. Loved it! However, I can take a lot of heat. So you may want to try a lower spice level to start out.

After my spicy meal, I had to have some sake. Sipping the sake somehow triggered my creativity and I was inspired to draw. So here is the final product. It is not my best piece, but it is what it is on a late Friday night. And can I blame the pipette for my paralyzed thumb?

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