Sunday, May 8, 2011

What makes people cool?

As a curious person, I am not only hungry for food, I am also hungry for ideas, thoughts and knowledge. I ask questions and follow it up with some answers. Question: what makes people cool? The first image I related to when it comes to "cool" was Johnny Depp. So I proceeded to google him in search for some clues. Long story short, it led me to a couple of blogs and then the answers started to surface.

I especially like what Adam Ferrier said; and apparently these are from his thesis in Clinical Psychology, entitled "Identifying the Underlying Constructs of Cool People". He appropriately attached a picture of Albert Einstein. Here it is and I can't agree more:

  • Self Belief and Confidence: Have a strong internal locus of control and are not afraid to be themselves no matter the social situation.

  • Defying Convention: Will be in careers that are born out of true passion (human rights, sciences, the arts) and will follow their passions - even if unconventional

  • Understated AchievementSuccessful but not overly showy. Further they regulate their outward expressiveness. They appear in control and not overly 'emotional'.

  • Caring For Others: Broad-minded and sensitive

  • Energy and Sociability: Get out there.

  • Ferrier

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